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Those people think that Face book only kill time thus people try to avoid it, my writing is only for them.900 million people use face book frequently. Rather than business advertising by pestering, TV new paper, face book is that the best media which can satisfy customer communication about the products easily.
Those people think that Face book only kill time thus people try to avoid it, my writing is only for them.900 million people use face book frequently. Rather than business advertising by pestering, TV new paper, face book is that the best media which can satisfy customer communication about the products easily.
1. A large
number of people use face book. 900 million people use face book and user use
it 405 minutes per month and to communicate. For that reason they can popular
their product or services to buyer.
2. To make their products face book can
easily time out them.
3. It can be possible to create relation between
present and future customer.
4. It helps to
create business community to share and discuss about the products and service.
5. Blogging and article writing about the
business can easily comment to the people.
book page:
To make page for branding company. It will contain all company documents. Here only admin post there company related post.
book profile:
Don’t create any profile again company as
it can create bad relation where discourage friendship ament them.
book group:
For business product group follow creative
graphics work those who like graphics
works create a company with them.
Face book page how use in birding life us see. Benefit of face book page in Business:
Face book page have many admin so it is managed by them controlled.
To fiend out the face book page search engine web side goods or banking give best service. At the time of page preparation daffiest categories will be sleeted.
Face book page how use in birding life us see. Benefit of face book page in Business:
Face book page have many admin so it is managed by them controlled.
To fiend out the face book page search engine web side goods or banking give best service. At the time of page preparation daffiest categories will be sleeted.
face book page:
prepare face book page
To get selected category first of all click
local business, make profile updraft by giving proper information to use
business information, web side address ,logo to make it active , select some
admin ,none well undersold who is the admin of the page. The admin is present not,
no problem will arise.
you make publicity page of increase friend
How people will be
included in a gage page should be prepared insures way so that people will be
attracted observing the teaching of the page.
your friends in different
Request your listed friends in the profile to
invite their friends to be listed in their profile.
make your friends active in each post
To make friends
actives each post arrayed in such away they computed to raise exchange. If you
put any question the will. And they will see this own post in like news tedders
see their did instable to know about
the page. In this way make inanes may be included in the page.
book advertiser for immediate unease of friend
Advertise mean is possible in the face book
gluing many as in jugal Edward. Wed site face book page group ever adventuring
of event may be possible in a particular Conley so that a particular age people
will see it.
page link advertiser
Every blogging have particular visitor with
such a article that can atract the visitors to join face book page and in this
way the member of friends will crease .
profile should follow certain rales for business advertisement like page grope
people do not come in face book for observes advertisement ,not for gossips,
entrainment and not for relax lax. Have business advertising will be arrayed in
such way so that people cannot feel uneasy but like to share. The name of the
company staff will be personal profile.
of personal profile:
Business will be popular by the good dealing
of the company staff.
The popular man of the company if write new
often of the business in a wall that will attract the people.
If any business company wish start new business personal id give more
profile update:
To make personal profile update not only by
writing large article but how to promote profile update something will have to
1. It needs educational qualification and
other extra course.
2. It needs
information about your works that can make professional.
3. For contact information you mentioned,
mail add, personal web site, slype id and mobile number.
4. For your efficiency you can use cover
photography doing some design.
you use promotion profile in business:
1. When marketing is the target of a
business you increase your friend list. For this you well have comment is such
way people can take you as efficient one. Then automatically friends request
ell come is you.
2. To popularize your business products or
serves man of a page or group will have proof you as an efficient one.
3.Do pestering on you wall at least
four times daily so that none will
target you and all the posturing will be business censers.
of Face book:
Face book have some intellectual persons so
it is possible to create a big community. These intellectual persons will make
group then group member will be active.
Every one in a face book group can express their
own opinion as a result group member will be more active. Al
these intellectual person member of the group advertising of products and
service information will be possible.
you will established group:
Fist you enter your own link: https//
Full up the particulars point of a page and click the create button,
group will be established .Then any information may be change of any time.
After this you can invite your trines to going in the group and post your work
Post regularly to make group active so that all members of the group
active then. Follow the process of page fan increasing the member of the group.
In Bangladesh
the example of active face book group in
face book group use for business promotion:
1. Company create face book group which is
not for gossiping. Admin will have to create place for gossiping.
2. In the group members can express their
opining then the group will be active. Admin should be more interested in this
3. More promotion in the company may create
confusion among the member. Hence in case promotion they should be more careful.
4. Active group photo cover binding used in
the gate.
5. Post photography may be used as company
logo then group member will share and people will know about the company.
6. Observing the good promoting in good
post of Admin, people will more interested to for in the group and also request
others to join.
7. Admin will have to comment regularly to
the other post of the group to prove himself as on efficient one so that
members send request to admin personal ID
To promote business group or page arrange advertisings to the face book
To advertise in the face book use this link Click on
right side create an ad for advertising you will have to present in login and
cleek the button a new page come and you will see your picture on the page. From
this promote group page, website etc and cleek it, of your want to promote
website then select picture-2 you will see something. On a particular point
write your website address and continue cleek button you will get another page and
this page will be your working place were you will advertise all necessary
information it show profile advisers to campaign land get also ,many things
from the page. To monitor campaign budget adverting management will arranged.
For this link
For campaign monitoring picture showed
about face book how can embarrass people:
- As a representative of a company you will
be very careful about your works other will not irritated people.
-Don’t tag picture which will be
disgraceful to the like people.
-Don’t upload necked picture.
–Try to upload your picture, don’t upload
the picture of actor and actress .Which give you negative result.
–Don’t upload picture of your sister and girlfriend.
–Be careful about the post which may not be
copy. Don’t ad unnecessary events.
–Don’t spoke unnecessary word don’t ad
unnecessary events.
–Don’t recruit unnecessary person
–Don’t curtsied comment and status.
Many people in Bangladesh will not never give
comment or like but of you get chance to criticize. The post, don’t miss the
chance, it will not increase your personally but to show your meanness.
–Don’t add in a group chat.
-Don’t send
request randomly.
ID is very important in case of business which
is also important to complete for company also hence you, should be very
careful to take hac in a sanitary positive.
–Change your password monthly, use the
member, worded symbol in the password.
–Remember the password by where you open
your face book ID open your account.
–Ad mobile security in the face book.
–Remove your tag picture in your
–Remove useless apse.
–Be careful before click the
Many people crowded in the face book and
social media. Best feedback and possible marketing on line should social media
instead of traditional marketing.
I know from this article how use face book for business